Live In a Healthy Home
Breath Fresh Air
Stay Safe & Clean

Air Duct Cleaning

Air ducts are the paths traveled by the air, meaning it’s optimum for the traveling air to be as clean as possible, because the air can pick up any particles or debris in the ducts and carry it straight to your lungs.

Having clear air ducts can contribute to good indoor air quality (IAQ), which the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states is a prime concern in relation to pollutants these days. The EPA is referring to the air quality around buildings and structures, more specifically as it pertains to the comfort and health of their occupants.

The health effects from indoor air pollutants can show up soon after you are exposed or even years later. While the scientific community recognizes common indoor air quality pollutants can have harmful consequences, it can’t pinpoint how long of an exposure or what concentrations are necessary for specific health problems.

Add to the mix that different people react very differently to these exposures. With all this uncertainty, it’s a better scenario to avoid the pollutants altogether as much as possible.

Dryer Vent Cleaning

Despite the promise embedded in its name, a dryer doesn’t always perfectly dry your clothes each and every time. Why? Because over the months and years, lint can accumulate in these ducts and mix with hot air cloging the airflow. That said, if you’re finding yourself with particularly damp clothes even after a full drying cycle, or you’ve noticed that the outside of the dryer becomes very hot while doing its job, it may be time to clean out your dryer vent ducts.

Cleaning these ducts isn’t just important for your clothes and time (and sanity). This accumulating lint, can ignite as a result of the hot air, creating a fire hazard. Every year, dryer duct fires cause $35 million in damages, hundreds of injuries and even deaths. If you ever notice a burning stench in your laundry room, this is another indication you should get cleaning sooner rather than later.

Experts recommend you clean out your dryer ducts twice a year.

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